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Freedive with us

our services

Exclusive freediving experiences

The waters around the Azores islands are known for their intense blue with a great richness in biodiversity, being considered a hotspot for marine megafauna. 

Get to know their secrets in an exclusive way, far from the crowds and safely guided by Janaína, a freediving instructor and Marine Biologist with 15 years of experience in maritime tourism. 

On board “Ono One” we always have a qualified skipper and snacks/water are provided. All activities include insurance. Time flexibility is recommended to allow us to choose the day/s with the best weather conditions.

If you’re not a certified freediver you can still enjoy these experiences by previously undertaking a one-day introductory course to freediving (Apnea Experience).

Exclusive Freediving Experiences are carefully designed for 1 or 2 persons but ask for a quote if you are a small group of 3 or 4 persons. 

Weight belts are provided and the rest of the equipment can be rented. Prices are per experience. Residents in the Azores have 20% discount. 

Check the different options available and if you have questions get in touch!

freediving Trips & Retreats

Would you like to know the Azores above and below seawater? 

Join our Organized Freediving Trips to Faial island for small groups (max. 6 persons) with instructors from abroad or embark on a 10 day Exclusive Freediving Retreat (max. 2 persons).

freediving COURSES & training

Apnea Academy is the school for the instruction and research of freediving funded in 1995 by Umberto Pelizzari. 

It’s learning course’s mission is to provide step by step support to every person interested in discovering freediving in an aware, safe and fun way, with focus on relaxation and breathing techniques. 

All courses include DAN insurance and Apnea Academy certification. Freediving equipment can be rented.

Minimum persons to run a course is 2 (maximum 4). Prices are per person.
Residents in the Azores have 20% discount.

Are you a certified freediver looking to improve on technique, work on equalization and slowly adapt your body to new depths? 

Open water and pool training is available for a maximum of 2 persons to insure proper guidance and safety.